Tag Archive | burst cycle diet

What’s the ONE most important advice for weight loss?

HI and Happy Monday!  My sister and I were discussing weight loss the other day and she asked the question, “What is the ONE most important advice for weight loss?”  Most people have tried everything and most people still want to lose weight.  Soooooooo…what do you think the #1 weight loss tip is?  My husband immediately said SUGAR.  I think that’s way up there on the list, but I have to say that DEDICATION or CONSISTENCY is the #1 BEST advice.  Find a plan that helps you lose weight and STICK TO IT!!

This bod looks like serious dedication and consistency to me!

This bod looks like serious dedication and consistency to me!

MENU for the week is clean eating all around.  I’m going to do THE BURST CYCLE DIET for 3 days.  It’s super strict, but it motivates me to eat better.  This will be a busy workout week as usual.  Saturday was a 10 mile run with my friends.  The weather is looking UP and our numbers are increasing!  YAY for running outside!  Tonight I am teaching a BOOT CAMP class at our gym.  I’m thinking kettlebells and burpees (:  My FAVS!  Mondays are always a good day to regroup your goals and start out strong.

Here is a YUMMY menu idea for the week that I found HERE. 

dsc_0001And lastly, a bit of MUSIC to help you HIT THE WEIGHTS!  Workout WEDNESDAY next post.  Run HarD aLways**

Burst Cycle Diet…not for the faint.

I’m writing this while eating my precious 3rd meal of the day.  Turkey meatloaf muffins and a TON of veges!  It’s amazing how good food tastes when you’re completely depleted!  Yes, I have a short diet I’ve been following for the last 3 days and I’ll continue through all of next week.  I’m a diet connoisseur as much as I am a dessert connoisseur, go figure.  I think this is the ONLY website you will see with an extreme fitness fanatic posting diets and workouts and the next day posting FAVORITE halloween candy!  Oh well.

I found this diet through one of the MANY gyms in my town.  It’s called GPP FITNESS.  I LOVE their gym.  I would be a member if I wasn’t already a member of two gyms, taught my own class, and ran 4-5 days a week!  It is much like CROSS FIT.  They have a GREAT website too where they post daily killer workouts!!  Check it out.

The diet is VERY simple yet VERY hard.  Here it is:

Burst Cycle

by Neil Anderson

This diet program has been responsible for more lost weight than any other food program I have ever come across. I developed it in 2001 after reading some research on keeping metabolism high during low calorie dieting. You will lose 5+ lbs per week if you are able to stick with it.  You will also keep that hard-earned GPP muscle if you are doing the workouts daily.

This program is very effective. It works. Be perfect with it and you will make great progress. Only do this program for 6 weeks then take a break. You may go back on it after giving you body a 2 week break. Good luck…Write to me with any questions.


1 cup cottage cheese
1/2 banana

or a protein shake (1/2 banana, 1 T. peanut butter, 1 scoop chocolate protein powder, ice, water, spinach)  This is what I’ve been eating for breakfast.

Lunch (if you are out and about this is a 6” sub)

Sandwich: 2 pieces of bread, 1 oz. of cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, mustard, pickles and 3-4 oz. of meat – (ham, turkey, roast beef, chicken)


4-6 oz. chicken breast, 1 cup vegetables

BCD Rules

  1. 3 days on (1000 calories), 1 day off (up to 2000 calories females/3200 males).
  2. Must take daily multi-vitamin.
  3. Must drink 64 oz. of water per day.
  4. Must do GPP workouts daily.
  5. Cannot cheat; if you cheat you must go off this diet.
  6. This diet can be counterproductive if misused.

This would be super hard to do for 6 weeks!  ARGHH!  Mostly, I’ve felt great and on day 3 I already feel and look leaner.  I’ll take tomorrow off and then be at it 2 more times next week.  I did notice a small weakness in my running.  On day 2 I ran a fast 7 miles and lifted weights later that day.  Then today I ATTEMPTED to run 10 with my FASTY friends.  I was so completely empty I had to turn around early. ):  We’ll see the end results next week with my body fat test.  One thing I LOVE is a CHALLENGE!!!  Here’s a few motivational quotes and bods.  This is what I want to look like.  AWESOME!!  I LOVE lifting!

I cheated just a tiny bit since I went to lunch today with my high school friends at Olive Garden.  I ate salad, chicken, and veges.  I think that’s still legit.

My good friends for a lifetime!

Have a GREAT weekend!!