Tag Archive | clean eating

Still In It Challenge

Hey there!

Anyone up for an 8 week Sexy to Summer challenge!!  While I was on vacation I received an email from bodybuilding.com about an upcoming challenge that fit right in between two of my vacations!

IMG_1557I’ve been wanting to get seriously strict lately with my eating and fitness and this is the perfect time for me.  I’ve always toyed with the idea of competing in a body competition and I’m taking this as a trial run to see if I have what it takes to stick with it!  The challenge starts on Monday, April 25 and runs through June 19!  I’ve invited many of my friends and family to join me!

Here are the details and my official “rules” that I will be following:

  1. 100 oz. water a day
  2. 7 hours of sleep each night
  3. At least 30 minute workout 7 days a week
  4. Keep a daily food diary
  5. No eating past 8 p.m.
  6. No white sugar or white flour

I’m also asking everyone to ONLY weigh themselves at the beginning and at the end. I am honestly going to tell my husband to take the scale out of the house.  I think it’s great to take before photos and progress photos along the way as well as measurements.  Seeing a dumb number on the scale can be a downfall to progress.

Also, many times I let myself have treat meals or days and with this one, I will be having ZERO cheat days or meals.  I am a sugar addict and to get where I really want to be I need to cut out SUGAR and WHITE FLOUR completely.  I’m also suggesting that everyone choose 1 0r 2 other personal goals that they’d like to work on as well during the 8 weeks!

I’ll be checking in LOTS more often over the next 8 weeks!!  Let’s do this!


8 week challenge, oatmeal, and sample workout!!

I’m back again so soon!!  How nice of me (:  I have 3 things to talk about!  #1 My 8 week challenge!!  I know I have many challenges and goals and modifiers etc….Oh well.  Go with me!  I’ve kept this sweet and simple!  This is what I’m doing:

8 WEEK CHALLENGE April 6-May 31

7 hours of sleep 5 days a week

80-100 oz. water

No eating past 8:00 p.m.

Jamie Eason Live Fit every day

2 treat days

Results (weight, measurements, bodyfat)

I’m on DAY 4 right now and things are lookin’ good.  I didn’t specify my eating, but I’m eating low sugar and with as little processed foods as possible.  Lots of lean protein, fruits, and veggies.  I’m going to have my body fat tested at the end of April and evaluate and then check again the end of May.  I started Jamie Eason phase two and I will not miss a workout (:  I’ll keep you posted.

Today as I was making breakfast, I thought I’d share what I’ve been eating every morning this week!  It’s called Baked Oatmeal.  I cook it in 12 muffin tins and then store them in the fridge.  I heat 2 up each morning and add a little milk and berries and then I whip up some egg whites with green onion, tomatoes, spinach, and avocado.  I’m trying better to drink my vitamins and take my BCAA’s.  I think that helps with the muscle soreness.  Here is my not so professional food pic!


Oh and here’s the recipe!!

Baked Oatmeal

2 c oats

1/4-1/3 c agave

1/2-1 scoop vanilla protein powder

1 t baking powder

1 1/2 c water

1/2 c applesauce

1 T flaxseed

Combine everything in a bowl and scoop into 12 muffin tins.  Sprinkle with nuts (I used pecans) and cranberries or raisins.  Bake at 375 for 20 minutes. YUMMM!!

And lastly, here is a sample workout from the Live Fit program.  I modified it a little.  I loved this workout and felt perfectly spent when I was done.  It was Chest/Abs day!  I started out with a pretty fast 1 mile run followed by the weight workout and then ended with 20 minutes of intervals.  20 second sprints with 10 second rests.  It took about an hour.  Whew!!!


Wide Grip Barbell Bench Press 3×12

Push Ups 3×15

SuperSets 3×12

Incline Bench Press

Side to Side Push Ups


Cable Crossovers 3×12

V-Ups with 10 lb. weight 3×20

TripleSets 3×12

Reverse Crunches with ball between legs

Captain chair knee raises

Cable Crunch machine

Today is going to be a great day!  I’ll end with my favorite happy thoughts.  My daughter is trying out for cheerleader this week.  She’s never felt super confident at anything involved with cheer, especially tumbling.  She’s struggled with throwing her back handspring all year.  With tryouts coming up she started worrying non stop and practicing every day after school!  Finally, last night at 10:30 p.m., SHE DID IT BY HERSELF and then she kept doing them over and over!  I wanted to cry.  I’m so glad she kept at it and did not give up!  Life lesson.

I’m looking forward to a relaxing weekend with family and friends.  I want to take the kids to see the movie HOME.  I heard it was really good.  Next week, I’m looking forward to making dinner for my son’s prom!!  I’m so glad he wants me to!  I’m also working on recertifying my personal trainer certificate.  I’m thinking I’ll take a big nutrition class.  I’ve started training a little on the side again too.  Well, I need to be off.  Today’s job is clean the entire house and laundry.  Can’t wait!!  Smile (:  Happy Spring!  I want to buy a bird bath too!


Foods I never eat.

I’m trying to navigate a new OS garbage update on my computer.  It’s bugging me.  I don’t have time to relearn where everything is on my computer (: O.K.  I’ve been wanting to post a few things for some time now!  Although I have many workouts to share, expert DIET advice, a new challenge, and talk about my trip, etc…..I started thinking today about weight loss and maintenance over the years and a phrase came to mind that I always remember.  “It’s not the foods you eat once in awhile that make you gain weight, it’s the food you eat everyday that matters.”  That makes me feel better when I have a sugar binge now and again.  I lost it on my trip and at the start of this week I’ve recommitted myself to my normal healthy eating self.  I love food and I eat a lot of yummy healthy food.  I DO however have a list of many foods I will NEVER or VERY RARELY eat.  I’m not even tempted by these foods so it’s not something I am depriving myself from.  I do believe that eliminating these foods have helped me maintain my weight and feel healthy!!  Here is my random list off the top of my head:

  • Sugar Cereal
  • Packaged baked goods, pastries, cookies
  • Chips and crackers
  • Hot Dogs and Hamburgers
  • Muffins and donuts
  • Fried foods except sweet potato fries (:
  • Alfredo sauce
  • White rice and white pasta
  • Soda and juice
  • Cheese

That made me feel better about myself.  Some people might think I’m not enjoying food or I’m too strict, but I honestly DO NOT miss or want any of the above foods.  Try to slowly eliminate these foods and I’m positive you’ll feel better and lose weight (:

I’ve got to go get ready for a JAZZ game.  I promise I’ll be back soon with my 8 week challenge and workouts galore!  Only 2 pictures to share today.  My daughter and I after our workouts.  I’m borrowing her tank.  I like what it said (: and me trying to have curly hair!

photo 3 photo 1

I don’t know why they’re posting weird.  Another thing I need to figure out!!  I’m excited for Spring, flowers, color, runs, and being outside!!  I love this quote!!


Hasta Luego! Work Hard!!


Happy Groundhog Day!  We’ve had such a mild winter that I don’t even mind having more winter!!  I’m finally back from nothing (: just been busy and working through January!  Today’s post will be a report on my New Year Goals.  Yes, I still remember them.  I’m giving myself a B.  My goal for January was to only have treats on ONE day.  My other two goals that I’ve made for myself have some conflicting difficulties with them!  I made a financial goal to only go out to movies twice a month, but then I told myself that ONLY at the movies could I have candy and an ice cream (:  Not a good combo right?  Cuz if I wanted a treat, I said, “Let’s go to a movie”  I think 5 was the number for January!  Yikes.  Oh well, new month!  I’m back to only two movies for the month.  I have to say however, that my little movie treats did nothing to derail me.  I didn’t gain weight and I got right back on after the movie.  My successes for the month are 5 lbs. down (that’s just because of a little holiday indulgences) and better muscle tone.  I’d like to push it a little more for February.  My one week goal for this week is NO GRAINS and NO EATING AFTER 8:00 p.m.


O.K.  here is my speech on weight loss for the day, not that you haven’t heard it already.  It is almost everything WHAT YOU EAT!!!  I have worked out like a maniac for many years and ONLY when I combine my workouts with clean eating do I see changes in my body!  Lately, I’ve been addicted to this super intense cardio workout called HIGH, which I just got certified to teach!!!  Yay me!!!  It’s the best cardio for me and I love it.  I also lift weights 4-5 days a week and run.  Yes, I workout a lot!  1 1/2 -2 hours a day.  That is normal for me and I like it.  Eating well gives me more energy and I feel better, but even with this intense schedule, I’d be doing it in vain if I wasn’t eating well.  In other words, WASTING MY TIME!!  Don’t stray too far from the CLEAN and HEALTHY eating path!

When I first started personal training, one of my clients asked me to train her and she said, “I need to lose X amount of weight and get in shape, but I can’t do what you do!”  I’ve been thinking about that a little.  Already she is giving herself an out.  I thought, well I should give her half of what I do and then of course she’ll get half the results.  If you want to do it, DO IT!!  No excuses AND it is WORK!!  A work that you will come to LOVE!!!

Enough of the soap box.  I’ve found a new hobby that I can’t get enough of.  SKIING!!!  I need a bumper sticker (not really, I have too many already) that says, I’d rather be skiing (:  It gives me such a RUNNER’s high I call it.  I went with my friend last week and I told her one of the  reasons I love skiing is the feel of the environment and the positive happy energy of the other skiers.  It reminded me of the feeling of race day when you’re surrounded with a crazy bunch or endorphin seeking runners!  Love it!!  It has made the winter months so much happier for me.  Here I am with my cute daughter.  I need to take a few action shots next time!  I’m not really good either (:

photo 1

I’ll end with a few more pics. from the last couple weeks.  This one is me and my bestie teaching HIGH for the first time (:  We love to match!!

photo-79And a colorful church outfit!!  Skirt is Boden and top is Ann Taylor.  Boots are Express.  I have many workout outfits I need to share too.

photo 3One of these days I’ll get it together and be more consistent again with my fun blog.  Right now I’m just getting through the days.  Never a dull moment around our house!!  Something is always keeping us on our toes such as my 16 yr. old slamming his car into our house last night (: Oh the lessons we learn…Have a wonderful day!!  Keep at it!!!  It’s worth it!!  GO FOR GREATNESS!!  This is for my football kids!  My son was a little sad his team didn’t win last night!



Bring it on! Goals, workouts, discipline.

Hello and happy last post of 2014!!!


Today and tomorrow are my days to get things done!!  Thanks to my MOM, she has instilled a superstition within me!  Whatever you leave unfinished in the old year, you’ll be behind at through the new year.  So….laundry, cleaning, errands…the list continues.  I guess I should thank my Grandma!  So, this will be quick since I gotta get crackin’.  I am so very excited to start 2015.  I thrive on challenges and goal setting.  This last Sunday we heard a talk in church about goals and New Year’s Resolutions.  Everyone laughs a little as the statistics are presented.  Why set goals, if you aren’t going to keep them?   Why set yourself up for failure?  WHY???  Blah. Blah. Blah.  Not my kind of attitude.  M. Russell Ballard said:

“I believe you can train yourself to become a positive thinker, but you must cultivate a desire to develop the skill of setting personal worthy and realistic goals.  Let me tell you something about goal setting. I am so thoroughly convinced that if we don’t set goals in our life and learn how to master the technique of living to reach our goals, we can reach a ripe old age and look back on our life only to see that we reached but a small part of our full potential. When one learns to master the principle of setting a goal, he will then be able to make a great difference in the results he attains in this life.”

I LOVE this!!  To reach my full potential is what I strive for.  This is why I set goals.  And if I don’t keep them, I make new ones!  I’m usually pretty good with the New Year’s Goal.  Last year, I didn’t have candy all year!  And I didn’t, minus homemade Christmas candies!  And, ya know what?  I’m not going to have candy again this year.  I need to update one of my goals I posted in the last post!!  I talked about not having white flour and white sugar.  Well, I’m already not going to have that 6 days a week so my new mini goal is to eat within the first hour of waking up and every 3 hours.  Here’s the updated list:

2015 #1 GOAL

Healthy eating 6 days a week!


JAN-FEB: One treat day a month.

MAR-APR: Keep a food journal.

MAY-JUNE: Eat first hour of waking up and every 3 hours.

JUL-AUG: Daily vitamins and 80 oz. of water daily.

SEP-OCT: No eating past 8:00 p.m.

NOV-DEC: 6 days a week of Jamie Eason Live Fit.  

I always start JAN. 1 regardless of what day of the week it lands on!  This year it’s a Thursday.  I think I’ll do a little detoxing for 4 days with smoothies and soups!  Several Christmas presents this year will motivate me to stay on track!!!  I got a treadmill and some new workout clothes, one can never have too many!  I got two new books!  One is used to track weight workouts.  I’m excited about this.  I’ve always wanted to be better at keeping record of my sets, reps, and weight.  The second is a body part I’ve been wanting to improve (:  The funny thing is that half of the book is about how and what to eat!!  So true!!

th th-1 I also found a new workout I’d like to try for the next 60 days.  It’s posted on MUSCLE AND FITNESS.   It’s called 60 DAYS TO FIT.

60-days-promo-desktop-final-3I liked it because it’s 4 weight workouts I week.  I’m always doing extra classes so this works perfect!





You can download the whole program that includes nutrition at Muscle and Fitness.  He uses the theory of having light and heavy lifting days.  On the other days I’ll be doing boot camp, HIGH fitness, combat, or running.  Can’t wait!!

O.K.  I’m set for the new year!  I’m going to try and be better at posting Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  Monday will be food related, Wednesday is for workouts, and Friday is fashion and fun!

Keep working hard and loving life.  Get after it and believe in yourself.  See you next year!!


October Challenge

Happy October!!  One of my favorite months of the year!!  The weather turns, the leaves change, and the air smells crisp.  I love FALL!!  I’m going to make October my healthiest month yet!  I LOVED my 21 day challenge of healthy eating, so for OCTOBER, I’m back at the challenge.  This one will be for 31 days!!  I have a few additional rules and goals attached to this one.  My diet will include everything from the 21 day challenge.  I will only be adding 2 servings of fruit a day and 2-3 servings of starches.  Starches include: sweet potatoes, oats, legumes, brown rice, quinoa etc…  Bread will be out for the month and most dairy.  I’m not a dairy fan anyway(besides ice cream)!  No white sugar or white flour.  My favorite saying!  AND…I’m going to be following Jamie Eason’s Live Fit weight lifting plan phase 2 and 3.  I’m only taking TWO days off!!  One will be when I go to St. George and the other is on a friend’s birthday!  WISH ME LUCK!!!  I love seeing the results of eating healthy and lifting weights, but more than that, I love how much better I feel!

I have a race recap to share from this last weekend.  Me and a few friends ran the Huntsville half marathon.  Our friends have a home up there.  It is such a beautiful place.  I love being there.  The run was perfect.  Can I tell you how much I love HALFS??  The day was rainy which turned out being a fun twist to the day.  It was still beautiful.  I loved the views, especially at the finish line.  I felt strong and happy!  My kids like to lay out all my medals over the years.  I need to take a snap shot of them.  I’m sure I have over a dozen.  I’m grateful for a healthy body that can RUN!!  Here we are at the start line!

IMG_0254.PNGAfter the race I immediately wanted to get back home to shower and warm up!!  Of course AFTER a 13 mile run through the beautiful mountains I would LOVE to add a warm bath, snickerdoodles by the fire, and a crisp walk through the FALL leaves.  Heavenly day!!  Look for the good and the happy around you.  My sweet friend has already got me excited about another FALL race at the end of October that I’m contemplating doing.  Crazy me!  Another half marathon down another favorite place of mine.  Provo Canyon.  We’ll see about that!  WORK HARD, PLAY HARD!

d0d508f37e09a97c841d0e3524ae9673 snickerdoodles-16 f3a48b2e117cc0d6e68f29fed1c0424a 93fddd9336b0fd7c3a104a4014fe9802I also need to add a little music in here.  I love love my new ipod and have added a few new songs on it.  I was having a hard time keeping my ear buds in during the race with all the rain.  My son showed me some new ear phones he bought called Beats.  I didn’t know they were that big a deal until I listened to them.  Oh my!!  Incredible sound.  We listened to a few One Republic songs.  Listen to this one on some Beats if you have them.  Geez!  Do people run in these??


Workouts and Sweat

Hello!!  Today is mostly workout stuff!!  I’ve been a little forgetful this week!  Monday was my friends 40th birthday that I have been excited about forever!!  I made her a photo book and we surprised her with a friend lunch and lots of love letters.  It was perfect and she loved it.  I was so happy!  Because of all that, I forgot my daughter’s sewing class and volunteering with my kindergartner.  I also double booked a field trip on top of a literature group.  Geez!!  Oh well!  Here are a few shots!  They are a little grainy!

photo-61 IMG_2315


Yes, my life is super fun!  Alrighty!!  I talk on my blog and instagram about all the healthy meals and snacks I eat.  I have to admit, I’m not 100% healthy, not even close.  We went out of town over the weekend and made lots of yummy meals and treats.  Lots of birthday parties.  I had to make sugar cookies…and the list continues.  I did however keep my workouts up and the next 3 days I am pre race eating!  Can’t wait for my 1/2 marathon this weekend!

I’ll share the workout we did at the church yesterday!!  It was hard.  I love to sweat and almost always drip buckets twice a day with a run or a class.  We did each grouping 3 times before moving to the next one.  Notice this first one is a little crazy with burpees AND pushups.  I substituted biceps on a few rounds!

40 prisoner squats

20 burpees

40 pushups

20 burpees

40 sit ups

40 side to side lunges

20 jump squats

40 triceps

20 jump squats

40 side to side situps with cross punches

40 hip raises

20 split lunges

40 high sumos

20 split lunges

40 zombie situps

I’ve been doing an ab routine that I read in Oxygen magazine this month.  I’ve already done it twice this week!  My daughter took a few pictures of some of the exercises.  Once again, only a couple turned out o.k.  Look it up!  I did 3 sets of 15 reps.


swiss ball oblique crunch

swiss ball oblique crunch

medicine ball v-up

medicine ball v-up 

Well!!  I must be off.  FOOD talk will be Monday with the start of serious weights and strict eating.  Imagine!!  Love this time of year!  Happy sunny FALL day!!  Be back POST 1/2!!  Enjoy!!  (:

Stick with the program and serious abs

Happy September and back to school!  I’m happy Fall is in the air.  I love seeing the leaves change and having a new change of pace.  I love the harvest decorations, the cooking, and smells of the season!  We are remodeling our yard and peach trees are on the list.  My favorite!

O.K. first matter of business, FOOD!  Our weekend in Heber was a MAJOR stay strong challenge for me.  I don’t want to even talk about all the amazing good food goin’ on up there.  I didn’t cheat once amidst chocolate chip cookie pie, grilled pizza, shakes, and more.  I’m proud of myself and I’m proud of this healthy meal I whipped up last night and then ate today for lunch!


It’s spaghetti squash with pasta sauce and zucchini and a salad with tuna on top.  Did you know that real whole food tastes so much better when you’re not eating processed and sugary food?  I am weird, but my vitamin drink tastes so good to me!  I will say that while everyone was over eating and experiencing stomach pain on our trip, I was feeling great.  No stomach issues.

Next, working out.  I’ve loved my workouts over the past week minus my RUNNING! I’m doing perfect with my eating healthy, but I think I’m eating more like a body builder and less like a runner.  They are not the same!  That’s o.k. I’m going to add more calories 2 weeks before my half. I’ll give a full detail of my eating lifestyle in about 10 days. Let’s just say, I’ve never felt better and all my clothes fit perfect.  The more I lift the more I like it.  It’s my happy place.  This is the workout I did with my church group this week.  I loved the core and abs throughout.  Move fast and get it done in an hour!  We did each exercise for a minute and a half and then rested for 20-30 seconds between sets.  Do each station 3 times before moving to the next station.  My obliques are still sore two days later.

Station 1 X 3

Donkey Kicks alternating with ab jacks

Rear Delts


Station 2 X 3

Tricep Dumbbell kickbacks

Walking Planks

Frog Hops

Station 3 X 3

Arnold Press

Tick Tock Abs


Station 4 X 3

Hand Release Push Ups

Leg Lifts 

High Knees

I’ll finish with a few pics. from the trip and one outfit.  Life is definitely hoppin’!  I have many priorities and projects that I’m working on.  I’m grateful I can do so much and still stay sane and happy.  (:  Have a happy weekend.  FOOTBALL!

Soldier Hollow-Sheepdog Championships

Soldier Hollow-Sheepdog Championships

Ignore the porta potties.  My daughter must have overlooked our background!

Ignore the porta potties. My daughter must have overlooked our background!

Top-J Crew Capris-LA Idol

Top-J Crew
Capris-LA Idol



Preview to 3 month GET BUFF program

Hi!  Today I’ve been thinking about my 3 month program that I will be starting in August.  I’m always trying to improve my personal training business and I’ve decided to give everyone the 3 month schedule I’ll be following.  Here are a few thoughts about what will be included in my program:

  • Exercise 6 days a week.  Weights everyday, running 3-4 days a week, and a few extra classes I love.
  • No white flour or white sugar
  • 1 T flaxseed everyday
  • 3-4 days a week vegan
  • 25 grams of fiber every day
  • Increase in protein
  • 5 servings of fruits and veggies every day
  • No eating after 8:00 p.m.
  • 70-90 ounces of water every day
  • Huge salad every day

I’m excited!  August, September, and October will be my months.  I’ve been eating really well for 3 weeks now.  My cravings are gone.  Lately, my cute oldest son has been wanting to exercise A LOT!  He’s going to the gym every day and asking me for workouts.  Today he even went through a workout with me and my friends and one of his friends!  WOW!  He took a few snaps of our little posse!  We pretty much take over the gym and talk too much and too loud!  Here is the workout we did today:


securedownload-1He told me the other day how he likes seeing results (duh?! 16 year old boy!) and how much he loves muscles!  Ha Ha (:

securedownload-4We are loving summer!  I was outside last week planting a little garden.  I love to walk around the front and back yard at night and water all the flowers.  The summer night air is relaxing.  These little guys have already started blooming this week!


Well, my house is full of too many kids to count tonight.  My sister is in town and my brother is coming tomorrow!  I need to go clean the whole house…AGAIN!  This morning we had my family over for breakfast.  I love my kitchen so much and having people over to eat!!  One of my favorite things.  We have fun times ahead for the next week or so!

securedownload I’m going to end with several GREAT sayings I like right now.  Be happy and work hard always…

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It’s all about the FOOD!

Happy FOOD day!  I am officially on DAY 3 of my healthy challenge and I feel freakin’ awesome.  That sounds lame but I feel great for two reasons. One, because eating good food makes you feel better DUH?! and two, because I feel good about myself for stickin’ to the plan!  Today, I thought I’d talk about random things that I’ll be eating over the next 8 weeks. This is what we bought at Costco today: strawberries, pears, peppers, and this awesome veggie mix:


I also bought a rotisserie chicken, hummus, shrimp, carrots, deli meat (that’s not really the greatest choice), and this cool lookin’ vegan dish!  I tried it already.  So yummy!

securedownload-6I think that’s all of the GOOD things I bought.  I’ve been keeping a mental note in my head today of what I ate.  Sometimes healthiness can get a little boring so here are a few ideas:

BREAKFAST: I cooked up this Steel Cut Oats recipe on Sunday and saved half of it.  This morning, all I did was add a little almond milk and heated it up!


LUNCH:  1/2 a Veggie and Grain bowl, 5 shrimp, 1/2 c honey dew.  I was still hungry so I had a small bowl of wheat chex with almond milk.

SNACKS:  While playing UNO today I snacked on veggies and hummus and ate a hard boiled egg.  I also had a couple handfuls of lite air popped kettlecorn.  If I’m craving something sweet or salty and crunchy, I eat 1/2 protein bar and 6 cashews.

securedownload DINNER:  After a baseball game tonight (I’ll pack a bag of carrots to munch on) I’m going to stir fry up some of my kale and red chard super foods with a little rotisserie chicken!  That will be all for the night.  If I need an extra snack I LOVE these probiotic healthy ice cream bars or a casein protein shake!

pGNC1-5837106dt caramelBox

Today on my run I could feel that I had more energy although right now I’m utterly exhausted, but I will keep going…

Wednesday I’ll talk about my workouts for the week.  To end this beautiful day, here’s a song I’ve been hearing lately that I like to crank up and listen to with the windows down!

That’s all for now.  Gotta get to a game.  EAT ON!