Tag Archive | lean muscles

Still In It Challenge

Hey there!

Anyone up for an 8 week Sexy to Summer challenge!!  While I was on vacation I received an email from bodybuilding.com about an upcoming challenge that fit right in between two of my vacations!

IMG_1557I’ve been wanting to get seriously strict lately with my eating and fitness and this is the perfect time for me.  I’ve always toyed with the idea of competing in a body competition and I’m taking this as a trial run to see if I have what it takes to stick with it!  The challenge starts on Monday, April 25 and runs through June 19!  I’ve invited many of my friends and family to join me!

Here are the details and my official “rules” that I will be following:

  1. 100 oz. water a day
  2. 7 hours of sleep each night
  3. At least 30 minute workout 7 days a week
  4. Keep a daily food diary
  5. No eating past 8 p.m.
  6. No white sugar or white flour

I’m also asking everyone to ONLY weigh themselves at the beginning and at the end. I am honestly going to tell my husband to take the scale out of the house.  I think it’s great to take before photos and progress photos along the way as well as measurements.  Seeing a dumb number on the scale can be a downfall to progress.

Also, many times I let myself have treat meals or days and with this one, I will be having ZERO cheat days or meals.  I am a sugar addict and to get where I really want to be I need to cut out SUGAR and WHITE FLOUR completely.  I’m also suggesting that everyone choose 1 0r 2 other personal goals that they’d like to work on as well during the 8 weeks!

I’ll be checking in LOTS more often over the next 8 weeks!!  Let’s do this!


Lower body love

Hey!!  We just got back from a long Spring Break!  I always love the time off from school and having the kids home, but I love schedules and order too.  We went to St George.  It was colder than normal and very crowded (: We still got in some beautiful hikes, a little time by the pool, a few great workouts, and we ate at an amazing new restaurant!



The restaurant we went to was called Viva Chicken.  Their specialty is Peruvian rotisserie chicken.  Best chicken ever!  I got a salad with kale, romaine, quinoa, mango, edamame…etc.  I need this place by me!!



Best salad ever!


At my gym in SG

Next up!  Lower body workout coming your way!  I love working legs and butt.  It’s harder than anything, but if you want to see results you MUST train lower body.  You will burn more calories, up your metabolism, and strengthen your knees and core!  Win, win, win!  I combined two workouts I found.  Over the next few days ever angle of my legs and butt were sore!  I’ll be doing this again this week!!  Here ya go!  I added a few pictures to help (:

Lower body barbell circuit #1  I’m using dumbbells in the pictures since I was at home.  At the gym I use a 50 lb. bar.

1-Sumo Deadlift

2-Back Squat

3-Curtsy Squat

Complete each exercise for 5 reps (each side).  Set a timer for 8 minutes and see how many times you can go through it.  Do this for 3 rounds.

Lower body circuit #2

SUPERSET: 5 SETS (Yes, 5!!)  I use a 40 lb. bar.

Dumbbell or barbell step ups-10 each leg

3 Jump Squats and 3 Push ups

One leg dumbell or barbell squat-10 each leg


P.S.  I added an ABS exercise at the end of each round in both circuits.  I did in and outs on the bench and bicycles.  Killer!  Make sure you stretch after!

O.K. That’s all for today!  Time to sit with my little girl who’s home with strep today ):  Keep working hard.  Set goals.  Exercise. Eat for fuel.



Oxygen Challenge and Biking!

Happy Summer Day! Every week I’m sure I talk about a new challenge or goal I want to work on. Well, I found one that I will not change for 3 months!! This last challenge I did with my friends was o.k., but I felt like I didn’t really get into it like I wanted to. SO, when my Oxygen magazine came in the mail on Saturday, I was so HAPPY to find just what I was looking for. Two of some of my favorite fitness gals are teaming up with Oxygen magazine and offering a 90 day challenge!


You pick which team you want to be on and then follow the workouts and nutrition program for 90 days.  Look it up at Oxygen Magazine.  I’ve always wanted to try a personal trainer or to get in such crazy fit shape for awhile and well…I’m not getting an younger so SEIZE THE DAY! My only problem is that it doesn’t start until July 15th!!  One month!  I don’t want to get in too good of shape too soon (: so I think I’ll coast for a few weeks, which I NEED to do.  Both of my feet have very annoying injuries right now.  I’ll use this month to rest up and take up BIKING!!!

Last week, I borrowed a friend’s bike!  I really should of taken a picture.  She leant me the WORKS, outfit, shoes, helmet, and an incredibly nice road bike.  I’m pretty sure it was the bike, BUT I think I have a knack for it (:  We went along an awesome 12 mile out and back hilly road.  I LOVED it!  #nevertooyoung right??  And the best thing, my feet didn’t hurt at all and I felt like a got a killer workout!  I’d love to bike in the summer just around sunset when it’s cooled off or in the early morning when the sun comes up.  I just need to convince my husband now that this is a good thing!

Back to my challenge, I’m picking Erin to follow.  I bounced back and forth a little bit, but I think she is more like my personality and style!  Here are a few pics. of her with words I live by as well!  I think I need to get my sister on board with this one at happybeinghealthy! 

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I’m kind of in a quote mood!  I’ll end with a few more that I liked today and a pic. from my latest HIGH class!  I will miss my HIGH and RUNNING, but I’m tired of only being able to go 1/2 way!  A rest will make me stronger I know!  Have a wonderful DAY!  Enjoy every golden sunshine and SMILE!

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8 week challenge, oatmeal, and sample workout!!

I’m back again so soon!!  How nice of me (:  I have 3 things to talk about!  #1 My 8 week challenge!!  I know I have many challenges and goals and modifiers etc….Oh well.  Go with me!  I’ve kept this sweet and simple!  This is what I’m doing:

8 WEEK CHALLENGE April 6-May 31

7 hours of sleep 5 days a week

80-100 oz. water

No eating past 8:00 p.m.

Jamie Eason Live Fit every day

2 treat days

Results (weight, measurements, bodyfat)

I’m on DAY 4 right now and things are lookin’ good.  I didn’t specify my eating, but I’m eating low sugar and with as little processed foods as possible.  Lots of lean protein, fruits, and veggies.  I’m going to have my body fat tested at the end of April and evaluate and then check again the end of May.  I started Jamie Eason phase two and I will not miss a workout (:  I’ll keep you posted.

Today as I was making breakfast, I thought I’d share what I’ve been eating every morning this week!  It’s called Baked Oatmeal.  I cook it in 12 muffin tins and then store them in the fridge.  I heat 2 up each morning and add a little milk and berries and then I whip up some egg whites with green onion, tomatoes, spinach, and avocado.  I’m trying better to drink my vitamins and take my BCAA’s.  I think that helps with the muscle soreness.  Here is my not so professional food pic!


Oh and here’s the recipe!!

Baked Oatmeal

2 c oats

1/4-1/3 c agave

1/2-1 scoop vanilla protein powder

1 t baking powder

1 1/2 c water

1/2 c applesauce

1 T flaxseed

Combine everything in a bowl and scoop into 12 muffin tins.  Sprinkle with nuts (I used pecans) and cranberries or raisins.  Bake at 375 for 20 minutes. YUMMM!!

And lastly, here is a sample workout from the Live Fit program.  I modified it a little.  I loved this workout and felt perfectly spent when I was done.  It was Chest/Abs day!  I started out with a pretty fast 1 mile run followed by the weight workout and then ended with 20 minutes of intervals.  20 second sprints with 10 second rests.  It took about an hour.  Whew!!!


Wide Grip Barbell Bench Press 3×12

Push Ups 3×15

SuperSets 3×12

Incline Bench Press

Side to Side Push Ups


Cable Crossovers 3×12

V-Ups with 10 lb. weight 3×20

TripleSets 3×12

Reverse Crunches with ball between legs

Captain chair knee raises

Cable Crunch machine

Today is going to be a great day!  I’ll end with my favorite happy thoughts.  My daughter is trying out for cheerleader this week.  She’s never felt super confident at anything involved with cheer, especially tumbling.  She’s struggled with throwing her back handspring all year.  With tryouts coming up she started worrying non stop and practicing every day after school!  Finally, last night at 10:30 p.m., SHE DID IT BY HERSELF and then she kept doing them over and over!  I wanted to cry.  I’m so glad she kept at it and did not give up!  Life lesson.

I’m looking forward to a relaxing weekend with family and friends.  I want to take the kids to see the movie HOME.  I heard it was really good.  Next week, I’m looking forward to making dinner for my son’s prom!!  I’m so glad he wants me to!  I’m also working on recertifying my personal trainer certificate.  I’m thinking I’ll take a big nutrition class.  I’ve started training a little on the side again too.  Well, I need to be off.  Today’s job is clean the entire house and laundry.  Can’t wait!!  Smile (:  Happy Spring!  I want to buy a bird bath too!



Happy Groundhog Day!  We’ve had such a mild winter that I don’t even mind having more winter!!  I’m finally back from nothing (: just been busy and working through January!  Today’s post will be a report on my New Year Goals.  Yes, I still remember them.  I’m giving myself a B.  My goal for January was to only have treats on ONE day.  My other two goals that I’ve made for myself have some conflicting difficulties with them!  I made a financial goal to only go out to movies twice a month, but then I told myself that ONLY at the movies could I have candy and an ice cream (:  Not a good combo right?  Cuz if I wanted a treat, I said, “Let’s go to a movie”  I think 5 was the number for January!  Yikes.  Oh well, new month!  I’m back to only two movies for the month.  I have to say however, that my little movie treats did nothing to derail me.  I didn’t gain weight and I got right back on after the movie.  My successes for the month are 5 lbs. down (that’s just because of a little holiday indulgences) and better muscle tone.  I’d like to push it a little more for February.  My one week goal for this week is NO GRAINS and NO EATING AFTER 8:00 p.m.


O.K.  here is my speech on weight loss for the day, not that you haven’t heard it already.  It is almost everything WHAT YOU EAT!!!  I have worked out like a maniac for many years and ONLY when I combine my workouts with clean eating do I see changes in my body!  Lately, I’ve been addicted to this super intense cardio workout called HIGH, which I just got certified to teach!!!  Yay me!!!  It’s the best cardio for me and I love it.  I also lift weights 4-5 days a week and run.  Yes, I workout a lot!  1 1/2 -2 hours a day.  That is normal for me and I like it.  Eating well gives me more energy and I feel better, but even with this intense schedule, I’d be doing it in vain if I wasn’t eating well.  In other words, WASTING MY TIME!!  Don’t stray too far from the CLEAN and HEALTHY eating path!

When I first started personal training, one of my clients asked me to train her and she said, “I need to lose X amount of weight and get in shape, but I can’t do what you do!”  I’ve been thinking about that a little.  Already she is giving herself an out.  I thought, well I should give her half of what I do and then of course she’ll get half the results.  If you want to do it, DO IT!!  No excuses AND it is WORK!!  A work that you will come to LOVE!!!

Enough of the soap box.  I’ve found a new hobby that I can’t get enough of.  SKIING!!!  I need a bumper sticker (not really, I have too many already) that says, I’d rather be skiing (:  It gives me such a RUNNER’s high I call it.  I went with my friend last week and I told her one of the  reasons I love skiing is the feel of the environment and the positive happy energy of the other skiers.  It reminded me of the feeling of race day when you’re surrounded with a crazy bunch or endorphin seeking runners!  Love it!!  It has made the winter months so much happier for me.  Here I am with my cute daughter.  I need to take a few action shots next time!  I’m not really good either (:

photo 1

I’ll end with a few more pics. from the last couple weeks.  This one is me and my bestie teaching HIGH for the first time (:  We love to match!!

photo-79And a colorful church outfit!!  Skirt is Boden and top is Ann Taylor.  Boots are Express.  I have many workout outfits I need to share too.

photo 3One of these days I’ll get it together and be more consistent again with my fun blog.  Right now I’m just getting through the days.  Never a dull moment around our house!!  Something is always keeping us on our toes such as my 16 yr. old slamming his car into our house last night (: Oh the lessons we learn…Have a wonderful day!!  Keep at it!!!  It’s worth it!!  GO FOR GREATNESS!!  This is for my football kids!  My son was a little sad his team didn’t win last night!



2015 Fitness Goals-finally lose weight!

Happy Merry Christmas Eve!!!  I can finally say WHEW!!!  I have been burning both ends of the candle.  I love this time of year.  For me, it’s a time of reflection.  So much has happened this year, ups and downs, wonderful family friends, running Boston (I can’t believe I did that), and many more!  I also love to wipe the slate clean and start a new year!  Since I’m so far behind on my blogging, I’ll organize my thoughts a little!!  3 topics:

  1. Updated photos of the last few weeks.
  2. My inspiring sister and her 18 week streak.
  3. The unveiling of my 2015 fitness goals that I ALWAYS keep (:  Exciting stuff, I know!

First off, birthday photos.  I always go a little crazy with my birthday plans.  This year, we had a fun friend lunch, stayed in Huntsville with friends (I wish we could of stayed longer), RAN in freshly falling snow on my birthday morning!  Did some Christmas shopping (not fun), had dinner and saw the lights on Temple Square.  AND…my friends planned another birthday run this morning!!!  I’m in need of a nap…zzzz.

Friend lunch!

Friend lunch!

1st Birthday run!

1st Birthday run!

2nd Birthday run

2nd Birthday run

Temple Square!  Sorry for the fuzziness.

Temple Square! Sorry for the fuzziness.

Next, a few photos from the annual Family Christmas party.  My little cow and Joseph.  The dwindling nativity scene.  The kids are getting too old!

photo 1-4 photo 2-10O.K.  On to #2!!  My cute sister in Connecticut.  I miss her.  I talked with her on the phone the other day and she told me all about her fitness success!  When she was visiting this summer we discussed exercise and I suggested T25.

Screen-Shot-2014-02-01-at-11.40.18-PM-600x340I’ve never done these workouts.  I know they are part of the Beachbody workouts and P90X.  I knew they were short and intense.  She didn’t want a gym and she doesn’t have a lot of time as a Mom of 3 young children.  This has been the perfect gem for her!  She told me she has not missed a workout in 18 weeks!!  She has more energy and doesn’t get as winded going up stairs or playing with her kids.  She’s even confessed to flexing in the mirror.  I’m so proud of her.  She’s never been a crazy workout fanatic like me but she’s wanted something.  Here we are in April after the Boston marathon!


She said the first two weeks were the hardest and then she just didn’t want to miss after that!  I’m going to be thinking of her as I tackle my 2015 goals of fitness!  Which leads me to my grand list!!  I have ONE main goal that I will keep all year and then 6 smaller  goals.


I think it’s easier and more effective to have smaller and shorter goals.  I’ll keep you updated.  All I have to worry about for the first two months is total healthy clean eating with one day off a month.  Can’t wait!!  Well, I need to go make some rolls and possibly close my eyes for an hour.  We’ll see.  So happy and grateful for this time of year!  My family, friends, and my love of the gospel of Jesus Christ!  Have a wonderful Christmas!!

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3 most important rules for weight loss

Well hello there!  This has been a week of GET IT DONE.  I told my family I’ve turned into a complete perfectionist OCD person and they said I thought you already were.  I had my lists and I kept busy every second of the day.  I went a little crazy on the cleaning and cooking.  I’ve always liked to cook and bake, but that’s going to be my new thing now next to exercise.  Keeps my mind happy and I love feeding people (:

O.K.  workouts were insane too.  My whole body hurts and I’m running a half marathon this Saturday!  For the rest of today and tomorrow I’m going to make myself SLOW down, if that’s possible.  I have the high school kids coming over for lunch in an hour so this will be short and sweet!!

3 things in this ORDER:  DIET, WEIGHTS, CARDIO.  Remember that and all your dreams will come true!

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Diet focus today is VEGGIES and LEAN PROTEIN.  You must UP UP UP your protein to see your hard earned muscles.  Eat protein with every meal.  Egg whites, chicken, shrimp, turkey, any lean meats, protein powder…  Get used to it.  Veggies all day and with every meal if possible.  Stay away from breads and sugar and you’ll be happy happy!  I’m working on my goal for October and THIS is key!!  I’ll post my results on HALLOWEEN!!

OK!!  Weights.  I’m not talking 2 lb. weights.  Lift as heavy as you can to complete your reps and maintain proper form.  I lift every day pretty much.  I’m going to take a break next week.  The following week I’ll be hitting Jamie Eason Phase 3 for 4 weeks.  Scary.  Here’s my workout from my class this week.  It was awesome!  Great group!

Killer All Around FUN

 (3 people in a group.  Burpees is the timer.  When they are done, rotate.  Complete 3 times.)

25 burpees

Bicep curls

Sit Ups

25 Tricep Extensions


Tick Tock Abs

50 Walking Lunges

Push Ups

Curtsy Lunges

5 MINUTES OF POWER-Complete each set as fast as you can in a minute for 5 minutes.

8 Overhead Press

5 Burpees

8 Sit Ups

Sweaty mess is all I can say.  Alright.  What did I say was last?  Oh Cardio!  I love cardio.  I’ve been doing these HIGH intensity aerobics classes and they are awesome!  I feel like I’m burning a million calories, BUT if you have more muscle you will burn more calories throughout the day, meaning a higher metabolism.  So, if you are crunched for time drop cardio first, weights second, and diet LAST (:  Most important according to ME!

Well, I better be off!  I did want to add a SWEET compliment my husband gave me.


I posted this dream body on my last post and he told me I already looked like that!  HA HA HA HA HA!!  I think he was just being nice (:  Not quite…until next time.  Train Outstanding and don’t Underestimate yourself!  Have a beautiful day!